Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bento #116 Happy Whale Bento

Actually this bento was prepared yesterday, 9th January....

the main menu was 2 pieces of bread with strawberry jam & butter, and covered with an egg sheet. The whale was cut out from cheese and nori, added in the egg sheet smiling expression, crab meat cheek...decorated with some boiled carrots.... fruits for the day were kiwi and strawberries :)


鲸鱼的底部是芝士片切割成的, 再贴上海苔剪成的部位。。鲸鱼微笑的部位是蛋皮 & 蟹肉, 眼睛是芝士片 & 海苔。。。。

主食是涂了果酱&奶油的土司, 再铺上蛋皮。。。那鲸鱼就这样舒服的躺着了, 呵呵。。。我也摆了一些花型红萝卜在比较空白的角落。。。今天的水果有草莓 & 奇异果。。。

And it was  a good fine day to me and my girls,we won the 3rd prize in Christmas Bento Contest 2012 organised by CasaBento, we really happy then.... thanks to CasaBento and all the judges :)... and not forget too to congrats the other winners " Congratulations!! "


早前参加了一项 “ 2012 圣诞便当 ” 比赛。。期待已久的成绩终于公佈了。。。我得奖了, 意想不到的第三名嘢。。。好开心喔!!

谢谢主办当局, 还有评审们。。。 也在这里恭喜其他得奖者!

You may refer to the links below, view for more details....... enjoy yourself!! 
1) result for the "Christmas Bento Contest 2012", CasaBento

2) the entries for the contest


  1. This is very cute! Thanks for linking up to Bento Blog Network this week! I added you to our sidebar blog roll!

    1. thanks for added in me to your sidebar blog roll :D
